React Best Free Admin Dashboard Template in 2021

React Best Free Admin Dashboard Template in 2021

React Templates

React Templates are web pages which are already developed and well tested User Interfaces(UI Page) using React.js. Creating applications from scratch always has some side effects. Instead of that, we can use the Standard Templates which are already built and used by thousands of customers.

Long ago, we used plain HTML and CSS to design the web pages. But today by evolution, we are all using rich front end libraries and frameworks to design the web pages. Among them, React.js is one of the top programming libraries which makes web developers work simple. React Applications are user friendly, rich in UI, and much responsive due to reactivity features.

React Best Free Admin Dashboard Template in 2021

Admin Templates is the most popular topic among React templates. We can use admin templates for below features,

  • Maintaining the website
  • Installation
  • User Creation and Management
  • Monitoring
  • Configuring website
  • Traffic and Performance


  • Save time and money
  • More choices in the market
  • No need of professional designer
  • Already used by thousands of customers

For instance, Today we are going to see the

React Best Free Admin Dashboard Template in 2021

Material Dashboard React (Creative Tim)

Material Dashboard React (Creative Tim)

Material Dashboard React is a free Admin Template which was released three years ago. It was one for the most downloaded react.js admin template from the partner Creative Tim. It uses Material-UI v4.1.0 Framework and provides good material effects, ripples, animations and transitions. We can use five color filter choices for sidebars and card headers. We can also change the background image of the sidebar also.

  • Rank – 1
  • Rating – 4.90/5
  • Downloads – Greater Than 100k
  • Reviews – Greater Than 500
  • Responsive – Fully Responsive
  • Technologies – HTML5, React.js, Material UI
  • License – MIT

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Light Bootstrap Dashboard React (Creative Tim)

Light Bootstrap Dashboard React (Creative Tim)

Light Bootstrap Dashboard is a free admin template which was released three years ago. It was the second most downloaded react.js admin template from the partner Creative Tim. This template has a simple admin dashboard which is built on top of Light Bootstrap Dashboard and React.js. In Addition, we can use this template for project management systems like CMS and CRM also. We can use six colors for the sidebar and it provides ways to change the background color also.

  • Rank – 2
  • Rating – 4.90/5
  • Downloads – Greater Than 65k
  • Reviews – Greater Than 330
  • Responsive – Fully Responsive
  • Technologies – HTML5, React.js, Sass, Bootstrap
  • License – MIT

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React Material Admin (Flat Logic)

React Material Admin (Flat Logic)

React Material Admin is a free admin template which was released two years ago. It is one of the most downloaded React.js admin templates from the partner Flat Logic. This template is built with Material UI framework and provides fully responsive rich design. It has Charts, Basic Tables, Notification Bar and we can extend this template to start building a Front end Sass, E-Commerce, IoT Dashboard and much more. Instead of  jQuery and Bootstrap, it uses React 16 built with React hooks and React context.

  • Rank – 3
  • Rating – 4.5/5
  • Downloads – Greater Than 9.5k
  • Responsive – Fully Responsive
  • Technologies – HTML5, React.js, Sass, Material UI
  • License – MIT

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Black Dashboard React (Creative Tim)

Black Dashboard React (Creative Tim)

Black Dashboard React is a free admin template which was released two years ago. This template is built on top of Bootstrap 4 and it looks amazing. Black dashboard comes with both dark mode and light mode. The Dark mode is one of my choices among the React.js admin templates. We can create thousands of combinations using over 16 features components. The great advantage of this plugin is that it comes with good colors for eyes.

  • Rank – 4
  • Rating – 4.90/5
  • Downloads – Greater Than 28.5k
  • Reviews – Greater Than 160
  • Responsive – Fully Responsive
  • Language – HTML5, React.js, Sass, Bootstrap 4, Sketch files.
  • License – MIT

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Free Bootstrap Admin Template (Core UI)

Free Bootstrap Admin Template (Core UI)

Core UI provides rich responsive free open source apps. It is 100% Bootstrap built with react hooks instead of jQuery. Cross browser compatibility is the special feature of bootstrap admin template. No design skills required for creating the responsive application. The Free version comes with a login page, register page, 404 page, 500 page. In addition Core UI provides plugins, editors and google maps with pro version.

  • Rank – 5
  • GitHub Stars – 3.3k (By June 2021)
  • GitHub Fork – 1.4K (By June 2021)
  • Responsive – Fully Responsive, Cross browser support
  • Technologies – HTML5, React.js, React Hooks, Bootstrap 5
  • License – MIT

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Notus React (Creative Tim)

Notus React (Creative Tim)

Notus React is a free admin template which was released 8 months ago. This template uses Tailwind CSS and React UI Kit. Notus React made by Creative Tim and you will love the Tailwind CSS. We can extend this template and build components on top of this. It provides more than 100 components, giving us ways to combine and create the beautiful pages. Every element in Notus has multiple states for colors, styles and focus.

  • Rank – 6
  • Rating – 5/5
  • Downloads – Greater Than 5.9k
  • Responsive – Fully Responsive
  • Technologies – HTML5, React.js, Tailwind CSS
  • License – MIT

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Admin Dashboard (MDB)

Admin Dashboard (MDB)

Admin Dashboard from MDB is an open source free admin template with different styles of dashboards, data presentations and components. This template is built on top of Bootstrap 4 with React.js and Material Design. Cross browser support, frequent updates, community support, flex box support and Sass support are the most valuable features of MDB. MDB contains more than 500 material elements, 600+ material icons and 74 CSS animations.

  • Rank – 7
  • GitHub Stars – 43 (By June 2021)
  • GitHub Forks – 51 (By June 2021)
  • Responsive – Fully Responsive
  • Technologies – HTML5, React.js, Sass, Bootstrap 4 and Material Design
  • License – MIT

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Argon Dashboard Material UI (Creative Tim)

Argon Dashboard Material UI (Creative Tim)

Argon Dashboard Material UI is a free open source admin template which was released 3 months ago. It is the latest and emerging admin template from the partner Creative Tim. Argon Dashboard built on top of Material UI features with many components. This will help to create amazing websites at very low budgets. It has over 100 components with pre-built examples.

  • Rank – 8
  • Rating – 5/5
  • Downloads – Greater than 2.2k
  • Responsive – Fully Responsive
  • Technologies – HTML5, React.js, Material UI, Sass, Sketch Files, Adobe XD files, Figma Files
  • License – MIT

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One Free React Template (Flat Logic)

One Free React Template (Flat Logic)

One Free React Template is a free open source admin template which was released a year ago(2020). This template is a flat logic new emerging product built with React.js 16 and Bootstrap 4. One Free made with three colors, white, orange and grey. We can use this template mainly for building analytics and data. Beautiful charts, deep background, flat logic typography and icons, google maps integrated are the most valuable features of one free admin template.

  • Rank – 9
  • Rating – 4.71/5
  • Downloads – Greater than 2.5k
  • Responsive – Fully Responsive
  • Technologies – HTML5, React.js, Bootstrap 4, Sass
  • License – MIT

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React Dashboard (Flat Logic)

Free Template React Dashboard (Flat Logic)

React Dashboard Template is a free open source admin template which was released 3 years ago. Firstly this template is built on top of React.js, Redux, GraphQL and Bootstrap. In addition we can use React Dashboard for CMS, CRM, SASS and E-Commerce. Server side rendering, Charts, Tables, Notification Bar and Authentication are the most valuable features of the React Dashboard template. It is a fully documented template and Fully Responsive.

  • Rank – 10
  • Rating – 4.4/5
  • Downloads – Greater Than 6.5k
  • Responsive – Fully Responsive
  • Technologies – HTML5, React.js, Redux, Sass, GraphQL
  • License – MIT

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In Conclusion of React Best Free Admin Dashboard Template in 2021,

  • React.js is one of the top programming libraries which makes web developers work simple.
  • React Templates are web pages which are already developed and well tested User Interfaces(UI Page) using React.js.
  • My favorite one is Black Dash Board React which comes with Dark Mode and Light Mode.

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