Components in Vue 3

Components in Vue 3

As programmers, we all know that reusing logic and source code as much as possible is the best practice. Note that, sometimes we have to write complex HTML ( including style, script ) to render UI and we end up using the same logic multiple times which can turn our pages into a mess. Components in the programming world aim to solve such problems. It aims, Splitting UI into reusable pieces and each piece responsible for a small set of…

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Ref vs Reactive in Vue 3

Ref vs Reactive in Vue 3

Today in the modern world, many JavaScript frameworks having their own reactive engines. Among them Vue’s defined special features is reactive system. The plain JavaScript object changes are tracked and when we modify it, the view gets updated. In Vue the reactive conversion affects all its nested children properties. Ref and Reactive both provides a way to store object data and allow that object to be reactive. So today we are going to discuss how this two helps and plays…

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