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Tag: vuejs

Petite Vue Introduction with Example

Petite Vue Introduction with Example

Petite Vue.js is a new one from the Vue.js team which mainly focuses on optimization. It is only 5kb in size. Here the small amount of interactions are only done with HTML elements. So the question is what is this and what it’s for ?. Petite Vue.js is a JavaScript library which creates the DOM based mutates in places. This will deal with the HTML elements directly similar to Alpine.js. It uses Vue.js template and reactivity modules to update the…

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Teleport in Vue 3 with Example

Teleport in Vue 3 with Example

Creating the web pages using components is a good idea. So that we can re-use the logic and structure of the design. We have to make a component hierarchy or tree to make the UI better. In Vue.js we are using template string or render function to build the HTML DOM in the components. The Vue compiler will compile it and make the div elements for us However, sometimes logically, we need one component which could be a child to…

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Dynamic Component With Cloning Example Vue.js

Dynamic Component With Cloning Example Vue.js

Nowadays, web developers prefer components to build the web pages effectively. Splitting the UI into reusable pieces is the goal of component creation. Each component will render specific predefined HTML design. There is no problem when the component is static. But sometimes based on condition or scenario, we have to render different components dynamically. To achieve this without using routing, Vue.js provides a special feature for us – Dynamic Components. Let’s take a deep dive to understand it clearly. If you…

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Template Refs in Vue.js

Template Refs in Vue.js

Sometimes while creating components, we need to access its child components or child HTML elements directly in the JavaScript. Though we are having props and events for creating communication with child components, Vue.js provides the special attribute ref. We can create a reference variable using the ref attribute for child components/elements. During the virtual DOM mounting process, if the V-Node(HTML element or child component) has a ref attribute then the respected element or component instance will be stored under the…

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Provide And Inject in Vue.js

Provide And Inject in Vue.js

Provide and Inject are the advanced concepts of Vue.js Components module. It’s not mostly needed for small structured components. But imagine if the structures are deeply nested. Then we are in need to pass data from parent to innermost child component. It’s a completely difficult situation right now. To solve this problem, Vue.js introduced Provide and Inject concepts. Here the parent component provides the dependency to all its children irrespective of how long the component hierarchy is. As the name…

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getCurrentInstance in Vue 3

getCurrentInstance in Vue 3

Being developers we all used to work with this reference in programming. In Vue.js 2, this instance is available in option objects. We can access this inside the method, computed, watch and data. But when it comes to Vue.js 3 it is all about composition API. In the composition API we will be using setup to compose or organize our component business logics. Here, this will not be available inside the setup hook. Because the component is not created yet….

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Computed in Vue 3

Computed in Vue 3

Vue.js has six options which are data, props, computed, methods, watch and emits. Among them, we are going to discuss about computed in vue 3 options. We can use this option while creating the components. It will ease the complex component creations and logics. We can write or compose a component logics using computed. In Vue.js 2, we will use computed as a property of SFC’s. But Computed in Vue 3 moved to separate module. So we have to import…

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Setup function in Composition API – Vue 3

Setup function in Composition API – Vue 3

In Vue.js 2, Component objects could have data, computed, methods, and watch options. We will be using these options to write component functional logics. But when our component grows bigger, the functional logic also grows. So we end up to write the same logic in different options. Meaning that, we have to write some parts in the data options, some parts in the methods and others(computed, watch) also. So it will be difficult to understand the component core logics, Since…

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Single File Components Vue 3

Single File Components Vue 3

We have learned about components in Components in Vue3 . Here, the components can be registered using either global or local registration. These syntax are designed to suit small sized projects. But when it comes to large sized projects, below problems may happen, Unique component name for each component Since template type is string, poor look for large size templates Failed to apply syntax highlights for template Html(template string) and JavaScript are placed into component objects where CSS left out….

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Components in Vue 3

Components in Vue 3

As programmers, we all know that reusing logic and source code as much as possible is the best practice. Note that, sometimes we have to write complex HTML ( including style, script ) to render UI and we end up using the same logic multiple times which can turn our pages into a mess. Components in the programming world aim to solve such problems. It aims, Splitting UI into reusable pieces and each piece responsible for a small set of…

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